last updated: 24 Aug 2018

How to maximise your grab incentive through peak hour

Introduction to Auto Accept (AA) Feature by Grab

We all know that you do not have the flexibility to choose your preferred trip in order to enjoy Hourly Guarantee(HG) incentive starting on 6 Aug 2018. However, the earning of incentive for HG will be explained below.

The objective of this article is to ensure grab drivers are aware of the incentive structure for driving with Grab and how you can maximise your earning through Grab. We all here know that there is a change on the incentive structure for grab drivers in Klang Valley especially for Hourly Guarantee(HG) players.

I will list down the changes and I will share with you on how you can maximise your earning through HG.


  1. Auto Accept is turned on
  2. Economy Grab Driver
  3. Opted in as HG driver (last opt in ended on 8 Aug 2018)
  4. Driver rating(DR) > 4.7
  5. No more Acceptance Rate(AR) requirement

Explanation of prerequisite

  1. Auto Accept is turned on

    • Auto accept is a feature to driver by Grab for you to automatically accept the job without your intervention.
    • With this feature turned on, you will enjoy the following benefit
      • Lower commission rate for Grab company which is 20% instead of 25%. For old driver which is earlier than March 2018, you still enjoy 20% commission regardless you are with AA or non AA
      • Hourly guarantee incentive when you are in peak hour
      • Priority allocation compare to non AA. Improved pickup distance.
      • Far pickup bonus is entitled.
      • No interruption to your app especially when you are driving. No toggle  between the app and navigation map while driving.
    • The drawback of AA features
      • You do not have choice to choose the trip
    • To turn on the AA, simply follow the instruction below
      • The toggle button can be found under Settings in the Driver Profile page. If you need to turn it off in a hurry, please turn off the ‘unavailable for jobs’ button and you will stop receiving jobs until you turn on the ‘availability’ button.
      • Click here to view the video on how to turn on AA.
  2. Economy Grab Driver

    • The hourly guarantee is only meant for Economy driver. Premium driver will have different incentive structure.
  3. Opted in as HG driver (last opt in ended on 8 Aug 2018)

    • You need to opt in as Hourly Guarantee plan before 8 of Aug 2018 in order to enjoy hourly guarantee incentive. After that date, newly registered driver are all fall under flexi driver.

How is the calculation of the Incentive for hourly guarantee (Klang Valley only)

You will receive your weekly incentive structure through the app notification every Sunday for the following week. Just tap in to your notification tab and view it there. There are some information missing from the notification which i will share it here.

Grab Hourly Guarantee HG Table

Grab Weekly Incentive Structure Table

Hourly Guarantee Grab Trip Table Klang Valley

Grab Weekly Incentive Structure Guarantee Amount

Example of HG Hourly Guarantee Calculation

Example of latest Grab Incentive Calculation

How to turn on AA

The toggle button can be found under Settings in the Driver Profile page. If you need to turn it off in a hurry, please turn off the ‘unavailable for jobs’ button and you will stop receiving jobs until you turn on the ‘availability’ button.

Click here to view the video on how to turn on AA.

When is my incentive payout?

Your incentive will be credited to your cash balance the following day evening around 9 pm – 11 pm. However, there are occasion that Grab payment delay but mostly to the following day due to big celebration like Raya or Chinese New Year holiday.

Tips & Tricks

For the first week, I do have some difficulty to find the balance on how to maximise the incentive. I was trying hard to find the balance point but after the second week, i found that the balancing is important for us to maximise our incentive. For full time driver, you need to balance between to drive during peak hour and non peak hour.

During Peak Hour

  1. On AA.
  2. Go to the place where there are a lot of short trips. LRT station, ktm station, MRT station etc is a good example where a lot of short trip there. You are prohibited to camp at a place. You need to do rotation of the place you wait to avoid being mark as camping. You may want to cite here.
  3. Off the back to back toggle button. You can only off it after you accepted a normal trip. On it back just before or after you drop the rider.
  4. Balance your time. If you are 5 minutes or less away to the next block of incentive hour, offline and wait for the next hour block. Do not greed because you may suffer to have a long trip and burn all your incentive or maybe will impact your next hour.
  5. If your first job for that particular peak hour over their guarantee hour and you manage to finish it before the next block hour, you may choose to offline and wait for the following hour block to start or you can continue for more job.

During Non Peak Hour

  1. Off your AA.
  2. Go to the place where there will be a lot of long trip.
  3. Select the fare which you would prefer. I would prefer trips between RM15 onwards but not outstation. You may want to cite here.
  4. Please maintain your AR not below 30% before end of Sunday 23:59.


Great news for all those who are interested to join Grabcar through us. If you are afraid of too complicated structure above, you may want to registered through us by whatsapp(+6)(0194885307) me or email(yongjc(at) through us and we will have people to support you and guide you through the tips and tricks and maximise your earning.

You might want to read my article “Should I Rent Car for Driving Grab/Grabcar/Uber?” for those whom are considering to rent car for Grab or other e-hailing platform.

You may also leave your comment or sharing below this article.


  1. Iris Ye Wan Hua 9 years ago

    To me this is a very drastic changes. However, I personally feel that this structure will benefit the part timer but not to the full timer. I would like to share my thought about this based on some simple calculation.

    Assuming you are only working in the UP hours and HP hour.
    Total UP hours/week = 28 hours
    Total HP hours/week = 36 hours
    Average trip/hour = 2 trips
    Online hour/available for job is 100%.

    Scenario 1
    @wangweesiang working for 100% in the UP and HP hours. His average trip for each hour is 2 trips.
    1. UP – 28 x RM45 = RM1260
    2. HP – 36 x RM32 = RM1152
    (Tier 1 – Fare collection in UP and HP hours is more than RM480)

    Total Gross fare collected + incentive = RM2412
    Total Net fare collected + incentive = RM2412 – 20%(Grab Commission) = RM1929

    Scenario 2
    @james-hoo is a part timer in Grab. His online hour in UP is 10 hours (100%) and HP 10 hours (100%). His average trips per hour is 2 trips.

    1. UP – 10 x RM40 = RM400
    2. HP – 10 x RM30 = RM300
    (Tier 2 – Fare collection in UP and HP hours is lesser than RM480)

    Total Gross fare collected + incentive = RM700
    Total Net fare collected + incentive = RM700 – 20%(Grab Commission) = RM560

    Do share with us if you have a better way of maximising your earning as Grab driver.

  2. Iris Ye Wan Hua 8 years ago

    Noted that the admin has updated the latest Grab incentive structure. Just out of my curiosity, if I’ve accepted a job at 7:00PM, does Grab consider me at block 6:00PM – 7:00PM or 7:00PM – 8:00PM?

    • Yong Joh Chen 8 years ago

      Hi @irisye, according to our community, your job would be under the block hour of 7:00PM – 8:00PM. If you have accepted the job at 6:59 pm, based on the job history, then you job would be fall in the block hour of 6:00PM to 7:00PM. Kindly be acknowledge ya.

      Do let us know if you have further queries on this matter.

  3. Iris Ye Wan Hua 8 years ago

    Hi All,

    It is very important for all Grabber to op-in to the Grab Ambassador programme. You will enjoy much more benefits in term of incentives and better requirement to achieve your incentives.

    Aside to your point @admin, if we are experience grabber, we might want to ignore job which can risk us to lose an incentive hour. This is important because the time taken for the journey may affect you to the next hour say MP hour.

    Example is like, i am pickup up a KLIA trip at 4:55Pm on Friday at Mont Kiara. I know that when i reach KLIA would be 6 something and i will be losing a MP hour because i am not pickup up any trip at 5:00PM – 6:00PM.

  4. Iris Ye Wan Hua 8 years ago

    Hi Vishnu,

    Within a week? FYI, the cycle for grab is by week, Monday 12:00AM – Sunday 11:59PM. If you manage to get that much of job per week and mostly within peak hour (MP, UP, HP and P) then your gross earning is around Rm2200 – RM2700. BTW, are you a full timer in Grab?


  5. Mohd Lukman Hakim 8 years ago

    Hi. I just started drivingw for Grab last week. Today, i cn see that there’s a fund credited to my wallet in the form of “credits”. Does grab pay the incentive this way? Can I cash out the credit? Thank you guys.

    • Yong Joh Chen 8 years ago

      Hi @mohd-lukman-hakim

      The payment cycle for Grab is on every Tuesday or Wednesday, they will credit your incentive amount into your wallet for the previous week. Then they will deduct it from your wallet on Thursday or Friday and bank in to your registered account.

      What our community does is even for GrabPay( Credit card payment), we will transfer out to our wallet before Grab credit our incentive to our wallet (Mininum RM10 per Transfer) and by Thursday or Friday, Grab will auto deduct from your wallet and credit it to you bank as well.

      Hope this clarify.

  6. Simon Choo 8 years ago

    How to get acceptance 85% been doing more than 15 trips today only can get around 11%. With this rate need to do 7 days only can get 77%~~ then the incentive is too far to gain….

    Any advise

    Grabdriver (Kota Kinabalu)

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Hi Simon,

      Your acceptance rate is refreshed every week. Please try to buffer yourself not to ignore too much job at the beginning. It is hard to get back to the required acceptance rate if you ignore too much job.

  7. GreySon Lim 8 years ago

    Hi, I’m so curious, why my incentive always around 500 per week. Even I work so hard at busy area. I really wanted to know how to earn more incentive.

    • Yong Joh Chen 8 years ago

      Hi @greyson-lim

      Since you have incentive, i assume that you comply with their requirement and i will not be elaborating further on this.

      First of all, have you opt-in as a Grab Ambassador? This status will allow you to earn the best incentive from Grab. Before you opt-in, kindly ensure that you do not have Uber Driver app in your phone for you to be eligible for this status.

      Second, please plan your time and ensure you have at least a trip for each golden hour. You may refer to for the latest incentive structure on this web forum.

      Third, if you want to have the mentioned incentive hour, ensure that you online 60 minutes on that block hour for you to get the max incentive from Grab. E.g. online 7:30AM – 8:30AM will have 1/2 guaranteed incentive hours for 7:00am-8:00am and 1/2 of 8:00AM-9:00AM.

  8. Yong Joh Chen 8 years ago

    Hi Ray,

    To answer you on the 50% requirement, we recommend you to maintain at least 51% and above. Do you own recording by jotting down your trip pickup history and check with the map if your pickup is in busy area.

    There is no minimum trips to be completed. It is based on your convenient or you may do it whenever you are free since you are a part timer. Just ensure that you will have at least a trip within an hour online to secure your incentive.

  9. Derick 8 years ago

    Dear admin, Im a full time uber driver previously before joining grab . Only today I done activation on my grabcar account. Can i understand more regarding of the incentive scheme which i don’t understand much yet. And what’s the difference to be a grabcar ambassador or pro? I’m a full timer driver.

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Hi Derick,

      I shall pm you through email which you have registered on our websites. We actually welcome new drivers whom have not activated yet and register through us. Anyway, i shall be assisting you through wechat or whatapps.

      Kindly check your email on my reply to you on this matter.

  10. Ting 8 years ago

    I wanna ask about the incentive
    If I pick up customer should switch to available job off right?
    So that means I will get 50% incentive?
    Btw,if already pick customer but switch to available job on, still pop up a new job but I can’t accept it,bcoz haven’t drop off customer
    So will cause my accept rate drop?

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Hi Ting,

      No, you should not switch it to off unless that is your last customer. When you switch to off, after you press drop off, your online hour is considered off after you drop off. Please note that the incentive is based on your online hour prorate. Meaning if you online hour for MP is 40 minutes and only pickup 1 job (RM 3), your incentive is RM40 – RM 3 = RM 37 gross (before deduct 20% grab commission)

      The correct way is you will accept the job first for grabcar and you will drop off your customer before picking up your new customer. Customer screen will noted that as there is a note to the customer that you are dropping off your customer.

      There is another job call grabshare where you will follow the screen either to pick up who and to drop off who first. Kindly attend the training provided for grabshare.

  11. Ikuiku Liew 8 years ago

    Can i know if for that mp hour i do 1trip is Rm40 so that meant mega peak hour i still can get incentive or not? and also confirm is 1 week i do 61 hour i can get more incentive untill how much i be driver 5month ady but i still cannot confirm how about grab company calculate incentive can you give me answer?

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Short answer no. Their guarantee is for those trips which is lesser than RM40. For 61 hours would be under fleet registration which our community is doing. Eligibility for additional bonus would be to register under our fleet. Independent registration is not valid.

  12. Vimal 8 years ago

    How do I join the Grab Full Timer group?
    New to grab. Looking forward to gaining experience and money!
    Thank you.

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Hi Vimal,

      Thank you for your interest in joining our community as full time Grab driver. We will guide you until you know how to max your earning through Grab. Kindly register yourself here and our member will contact you.

  13. Sam 8 years ago

    Hi Admin
    I’ve just registered to be a Grab driver a day ago and stumbled onto this site. Anyway I have a few questions
    1. Does Penang has a so called busy area where driver has to complete at least 50% at the area in order to receive the MP UP HP incentive?
    2. If I pick up customer from island and dropped him off at mainland do I get to charge him the bridge toll fee?
    3. If I drive from 8pm to 6pm on weekdays and 1pm to 6pm and weekends how much estimate can I make per week net?
    4. Where and how can I join a supportive team (in Penang) like what you have here?
    5. As I’m registered in Penang what if Grab assigned me a customer with destination to Taiping would I be compensate for my trip back to Penang?

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Hi Leong,

      Kindly refer to my comment below for your questions.
      1. No
      2. Yes, toll is not inclusive in the state fare.
      3. This question is vary, anyway, you will have to try because it really depend on trips and incentive.
      4. Emm, i am not sure for Penang.
      5. No, that is why you need to ignore it if you feel it is not worthy.

      Hope the above comment could help you.

      • Sam 8 years ago

        What if that week I get 50% of out of state request assigned to me and I ignore it then my AR would be very low and no more incentive for me right?

  14. Matthew Choi 8 years ago

    Hi, I’d like to join the community, I’m new to full time grab

  15. NG MING CHIN 8 years ago

    Hi All,

    I have begun to be a full time grab driver at Johor Bahru since yesterday. Noted that my previous activities didn’t meet the requirements to become grab ambassador or grab pro although I have opted-in (Uber driver app had been uninstalled before opting in) to become grab ambassador. Since yesterday, I have completed 46 jobs and maintain 94.8% AR / 4.91 Ratings / 3.6% CR, and collected RM 449.0 of fare

    1st question: Can I assume that my incentives will at least be calculated based on Grab-Pro for this
    2nd question: Will I be soon promoted to be a grab ambassador if I continue to maintain the results as

    I appreciate if anyone could assist on the above inquiries.
    Thank you.

    • Author
      admin 8 years ago

      Hi Ng,

      Good day! I am not sure on JB incentive structure. You will be sent with the latest structure by Grab weekly normally on Sunday Evening. Based on your achievement, yes, you are eligible if you are driving in KL.
      1. Yes.
      2. It will take around 1-2 weeks after you have opt in. You will receive an sms if you have been promoted.

      Not sure in Johor but this week incentive has been delay and will be paid on 27 Sep 2017 evening.

      • NG MING CHIN 7 years ago

        Thanks for the information, the good news is I was promoted to Grab Ambassador last week which I had driven only 2 days with collecting RM 200 plus of fare, and I got RM 100 plus of incentive for my effort in the past week. Thank you.

  16. Tan shi han 7 years ago

    Hi I’m new full time grab, would like join your chat group. I’m now in grab ambassador program , can I know how is the incentive calculated

  17. Adam 7 years ago

    Hi I’m a part time grab driver, just opt in the the Grab Ambassador. I read the comments above and found out the calculation formula for the incentives:

    ((Online hour for that block/60 minutes * Guarantee Hour) – Collected Fare) * 0.8

    Just some questions here that I hope admins or anybody can help me sort them out~ Lets say I pickup a customers on Monday 6.30pm with the total fare of RM7 and another pickup at 6.55pm with total fare of RM16, my Online Hours are 30mins and I am qualified for 2 rides base on the in-app statistics. For that hour I shall fall under the UP block with guaranteed RM25-RM50. So, does that means I should do the incentives calculation as below?

    ((30/60 minutes * RM33) – RM23) * 0.8

    Based on the in-app statistics, I was qualified to get the incentives for that block, but the payout is RM0 which I dont get it at all. I met all the qualification criteria with 92.3% AR, 4.93 DR, 0% CR, but why is it i can’t get the incentives? Is there anything that I have done wrong?

    Another scenario is I pickup a customer at 7.12pm and drop off at 8.27pm, according to the incentive chart 7pm-8pm is HP block, and 8pm-9pm is P block, but i get RM0 for the HP block and get RM11 for P block (with another 2 jobs done in that block, and I was 100% online all the time). So I was wondering how is the incentives system work?

    And are there any effective ways that admin or experienced drivers that could be kind enough to share with me on how to hit the maximum incentives? Thanks in advanced ya

    • Author
      admin 7 years ago

      Hi Adam,

      1/2 * 33 = 16.5
      16.5 – 23 is less than 0 so your payout is 0.

      The incentive calculation is back on your accepted time. Not pickup or drop off time.

      My suggestion is to verify base on the statement which they will send to you each Thursday.

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